Find Word 1.0

Free Interesting and challenging self-voiced word game suitable for all
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RWF Talking Software
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
Used by 1 person
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Find Word is a free challenging word game designed to be enjoyed by all members of the family, including those with a severe visual impairment. The aim of the game is to create as many words as possible by combining the letters that form the ten-letter word provided by the game.

The game itself is simple but very entertaining. It challenges your knowledge of English together with your speed of thought and your abstract abilities. The rules are easy to follow – Find Word will give you a ten-letter English word and will give you five minutes to find as many other valid English words as you can. The words proposed will be considered valid as long as you only use the letters that form the word given by the game, they are at least three letters long, and they are part of the program’s dictionary. Each valid word will win you one point.

What makes this simple game stand out from the rest is the fact that it has been developed by RFW Talking Software – a company devoted to creating products that make use of synthetic speech – with those with a severe visual impairment in mind. Thus, the program will read out loud the word given by the game, the new words that you create, any buttons present in the interface, and any warnings that you may get as time runs out. To make it also suitable for those with low vision, large print has been used in all text characters.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Accessible for blind and visually impaired persons
  • Simple interface with oversized labels for persons with low vision


  • None



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  • Talking cat for nokia